Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Vote 2012!!!

Vote 2012!!!!

Are you aggravated with the current administration?

Are you disgusted by the way politicians boldly lie?

Well listen up folks . . . . . .

Do I have a candidate for you!!!!

He can not tell a lie and makes all decisions 
based on real logic!!!

No, George Washington is not running for re-election!

You get my vote!  

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I feel like old Mother Hubbard!!

I spend an UNBELIEVABLE amount of money on food.

I go to look for something I know I just bought at the store.


I find traces of it: wrappers, crumbs, or empty dishes.

I ask my little hootiekins about the missing provisions.

The answer I usually get is about like this, "Yes, I took only a little bit but NOT ALL THAT!!!"

Their sweet little faces looking amazed that the food has all disappeared AGAIN.  Surely there MUST be another reason this is happening!

So, I decided to look into what is really going on around here.

Maybe, just maybe, this little creature is responsible for some of the missing items!
Yes!  It looks like a potential suspect!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

More AVAILABLE MEN, ladies!!

Really girls!  What is the matter with either of these 2 fine fellows!

Either one is surely willing to fight for your affection!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Out my back door this morning.

I have lived here 12 and a half years. 

I have never seen a rainbow in the morning.  
In the evening, we have seen some but then the location is always out the front of the house.

The miracles of God's nature will always amaze and thrill me.

Thank you.  I needed this!