I am reminded this morning of the story of Jesus with his disciples in the boat on the lake.
The storm that raged about.
The panic and fear that set in from human nature and lack of faith and trust.
Or when Peter walked on the water with his eyes and heart firmly fixed on Christ.
Then he looked at his surroundings and took his eyes off of Our Lord.
His faith was gone as he realized the truth:
we as humans cannot do the impossible on our own.
He began to sink.
Oh you of little faith, do you not know that the Divine Physician knows the cure?
Where is your faith?
Most cures for any illness or disease are not pleasant.
God wills or allows all things.
When there is a storm about you, God has a reason.
There is always a greater purpose.
If there are things that you do not understand,
that are painful and disagreeable, be thankful.
God knows the medicine you or those around you need and is only providing a cure.
If your only prayer is to wake up and know that there is purpose in everything, sometimes that is enough.
When the body is cured of illness many times there is great convulsing and much unpleasantness.
The matters of the soul are much the same. In times of trial
when we see no end or purpose we, like Peter, take our eyes off of Christ.
Realizing we are nothing, we sink.
I am reminded of steel: It is useful and strong when it is tempered correctly.
Several years ago, my parents barn burned down.
Among the ashes were the tools that my father used.
Useless and weak.
I remember him making and fixing many things with all of them.
Useful tools: Strong and with purpose
As he picked up the charred and mangled pieces, he would come across a few that were still in good shape. As he looked at them he would say, "That would be useful again if it could be re-tempered. Somebody who knew how to do that could make it strong again."
My friend, sometimes we too have been through a fire.
We have lost our strength. Our tempering is gone.
To re-temper metal it must go through fire again.
Oh, ye of little faith.
Do you not know these trials, this fire you so bitterly lament over, is God re-tempering you?
He is making you strong and useful again
because He loves you and sees you still have purpose and life.