It is a very special day for me personally.
For those of you who know about St. Louis de Monfort's Consecration to the Blessed Mother, there are several Marian Feast days and a few saint's feast days that are recommended upon which to finish your consecration.
My father's birthday is on the feast of the Assumption.
I tried several failed attempts to finish on that day as I thought it would be special.
Tried a couple other times.
So, I don't remember the particulars but the urge to finally finish it was really calling me.
So, OKAY, (sigh) I'll finish it on December 8th.
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Satan was out to derail this attempt from the start again.
By the grace of God and help from the Blessed Mother, I made it to December 8th.
I woke up excited. I had made it to the end.
I was heading to 8 am Mass and I would stay after and say my prayers and do my consecration.
With this you are to write out the consecration and mail it in to the confraternity.
Off to Mass, we go.
Now those of us that attended Mass that fateful feast day will never forget.
It is a day that will live in infamy.
The boilers were down at St. Francis de Sales Oratory!!
Frozen holy water.
Frost bitten extremities.
Icicles literally forming on the noses of the parishioners.
People developing hypothermia.
You doubt but those of us there that day are still thawing out and shudder at its memory.
I still do not know how Canon was able to say Mass.
Well, needless to say there was NO WAY I could stay a moment longer to finish my consecration and even if I had the pen was frozen and my fingers couldn't even move to grasp it anyway!
So there I was. I had to leave. My life was in danger!
I messed around in St. Louis most of the day.
Shamefully thinking, I can't go back there! I will surely die this time.
Then I would fight back and say, "It is just for a bit. Go, it will be a small sacrifice."
So I found a warm spot for my children to stay as not to subject them to this and allow myself time alone to pray and finish.
I approached the church and shuddered.
Opened the door expecting the worst, warmer air hit my face.
The heater was fixed!!!!!
I made my way in front of our Lady's altar and said my prayers and got ready to write my consecration and finish.
A wave of fear, slight horror, and doubt gripped me as I heard, "This is a solemn oath. Like a character mark or promise. What happens the next time you fail and sin? You will be breaking this oath making yourself even more culpable and guilty. You will be held accountable in a manner that you will surely never achieve or be good enough. You will break this promise. It is best not to finish than knowing this."
I sat there for about 15 minutes really thinking about this. It is not something I take lightly. Am I worthy and up to this task? I know I will fail sometimes and feel horrible and even worse because I consecrated myself.
I really almost got up and left.
Then She whispered in my ear, "When and if you fail, pick yourself up and use the sacraments. It is the evil one trying to tempt you and turn you away from my motherly protection and your devotion. I will help you."
I immediately set to work writing. I knew I would fail but I would have confidence in my faith and not let satan tempt me to despair in the same manner as before in my life. The Blessed Mother would be my aid.
I finished. Peace. Peace of soul.
I knew it would not last forever but I basked in it for a bit.
I dearly was not prepared for what lay ahead of me through the passed several years.
One could refer to it as the dark night of the soul as St. John of the Cross adequately describes it.
Like a light turned off
No heat
You wander alone on another planet.
Without grace or the things you hold dear.
A barren waste land
You are to renew your consecration every year on the same day.
I have done so.
Sunday was approaching.
Her Feast day and my renewal.
I didn't really understand why she had chosen that day for me to finish it.
I had wanted another day.
I contemplated it.
Of all of the titles the doctors and saints of the church have given to Mary, this is the title she herself used. The only one she has called herself.
I contemplated the litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary and all of her titles:
Refuge of Sinners
Queen of all saints
Tower of Ivory Arc of the Covenant
Cause of our joy
Help of Christians
This is the one she uses.
My daughters middle names are Catherine and Bernadette.
The Blessed Mother appeared to St. Catherine Laboure and requested the Miraculous Medal to be struck.
The inscription on it reads:
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us those who have recourse to Thee."
The Immaculate Conception - Conceived without sin
To St. Bernadette, the Blessed Mother appears.
The holy and innocent girl begged the Blessed Mother to tell her who She was.
Our Lady responded, "I am the Immaculate Conception."
Twice referenced the Immaculate Conception - The title she chooses to use.
Sunday came. I contemplated a lifetime of mistakes.
Several years of pain and yet more mistakes.
I confidently walked into church.
Because She is the patroness of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, a plenary indulgence is granted under the usual circumstances.
I made my way to the confessional.
And finally after Mass renewed and rewrote my consecration.
I looked at Her statue on the altar.
I could see her say, "I am the Immaculate Conception."
I continued my gauze and responded, "O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us those who have recourse to Thee."
Consecrate yourself to the Blessed Mother - It may not be easy but the rewards are eternal.
Consecrate your families.
Please pray for Holy Father and that he consecrates Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
She has asked the Holy Father to do so at Fatima and it is long overdue.
So, turn to the refuge of sinners when you are in need and place your trust in her -
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us those who have recourse to Thee."
St. Louis de Monfort, pray for us.
St. Catherine Laboure, pray for us.
St. Bernadette, pray for us.
As a final footnote: The Slaves of the Immaculate Conception has a wonderful section devoted to the Total Consecration to the Blessed Mother - Entitled True Devotion You can find it here:
And as one final last after thought . . . . . I guess I was dearly prepared for what lay ahead.
The Blessed Mother had given me Her Motherly protection and guidance.