Monday, September 26, 2011

Retreat (beautiful serenity) and RETREAT (Let's get out of here and fast!) Day 6

The same couple that recommended the fabulous cookies at Jacob's Lake also said we had to visit Zion National Park.  They hadn't steered us wrong on those cookies so we were taking their advise on the park too.  They said of all of them in the country it was at the top of their list.  We wanted to drive as close to the park as we could.  Being really tired at this point in our journey, camping was not an option either.  So I called ahead because I didn't want to find everything booked up as I had the night before.

The drive there was fairly uneventful.  Quiet really because we were so exhausted.  My navigator misunderstood where we were going and we ended up driving through Zion National Park at night.  That in itself was rather interesting because the roads are hair pin turns and two tunnel (one really, really long neat one too).  Hannah kept saying, "There are some big drop offs over there."  After wandering around looking for our place to sleep (listening to my navigator), I looked at the map and realized we had to turn around and drive back through the park and a ways away to get to our destination.  Sigh, all I wanted to do was SLEEP.

So, I took off back through the park and not very happy I might sadly say.  While driving back through the park, I hit yet ANOTHER FLYING CREATURE!!!!!!!

It took forever to find just the place where I had booked something called "the Wagon Wheel" cabin.  It was at a camp site.  Once I found the place, I drove around for another 45 minutes looking for this little cabin thing. It was late, no one to call, and no signs.  Once I got there and realized there was NO HEAT, NO ELECTRICITY, NO NOTHING . . . . . . . .  well, the picture says it all.   I had to unload all the sleeping bags, etc.  GRRRRR!
Yep, this is what I looked like by the time I found "the Wagon Wheel".  This night, I slept in the car.
I present "the Wagon Wheel" cabin. 
I try not to complain but in the morning, I packed my sleeping bags and children and headed to the office.  I politely explained that when I had spoke to the lady on the phone the night before I had informed her that I did not want to deal with a tent, etc since I knew it would be late.  I understood there would be heat and electricity.  I knew there would not be a coffee pot or TV but didn't want it anyway.  They were very nice and reduce my bill to about 20 bucks.  Still not overly happy but we did use their showers so okay.

I got in my car, looked left - clear  looked right - all clear.  Keep in mind everybody I AM IN THE MIDDLE OF NO WHERE!!!!!!!!!  I begin to back up and here a loud crunching noise.  What in the world was that?  I look again and a wee little tiny car had been passing SLOWLY behind me and stopped right behind me.  All of those large animal worries and this!  Well, they were very nice about the little "fender/bender" and after a brief delay in our morning, we were off to Zion National Park.

Checkerboard Mountain at the entrance.
Waiting for the tram

The Three Patriarchs

Zion National Park is a bit like the Grand Canyon in that I could take every picture possible picture but it would never be able to adequately show the splendor of the surroundings.  It was well worth taking the time to visit.

 Okay, I didn't really want to leave.  I am sure you could guess that by now, too.  It was peaceful bliss.

This is the only excuse I have for my next vacation blunder.
 Well, it must have been the cold night of camping or maybe we all missed civilization a bit too much but I believe it was a bit of nostalgia that led me to take my little ones to Las Vegas.  I know what you are thinking and you don't have to say it but we used to go there as children because my grandfather and uncle both lived there.  The Strip back then was an amazing array of lights and interesting moving signs.  Before I made the decision to go there,  I spoke to several people and read up thinking I could avoid a lot of garbage.
This is my favorite picture from Vegas:  a wedding chapel right next to the "Bingo Bail Bonds" place!  Kill two birds with one stone.  This pretty much sums up the town.

Fabulous old sign I remember.

We did get to see the Eiffel Tower.

We got to see the gondolas.

The Statue of Liberty too!

John loved the fountains.

The Stratosphere looked pretty neat.
 After looking around for a bit, we decided that the only place for us was in our hotel room.  The rates are unbelievably low and it was luxurious.  I was sooooo tired.  When the everyone said they were watching Cars 2, I said fantastic.  But the next morning realized it cost me $13 for them to see it.  I didn't even care, I was just glad to be fleeing the scene.  Reminded me of the garden party song.

One other good thing that came out of it, none of my children EVER want to go back.  Mission accomplished!


  1. Oh Hootiecootie! I'm so sorry about your 'cabin' experience. However, I do believe that will be a lasting memory on the hootiekins. hahahaha. They will talk about that for YEARS to come and laugh. I'm also sorry about your run in with that little 'bug' of a car.

    Great pictures though. Take care and try to get some rest. I want you back here!

    Mrs. H

  2. Oh, I am rested up now and will be ready for the second leg of the journey! Yes, even I can laugh about the cabin now but those sleeping bags were coming down like bullets
