Thursday, October 13, 2011

The quiltmaker's gift . . .

I am posting the next pictures for many reasons of which I will relay the top ones.

First, I post it for my favorite teacher, Mrs. G., and her students that they might be see  how one book can inspire someone to use their talents in a magnificent way for the betterment and enjoyment of many others.

 Secondly, for all those who have read the book, The Quiltmaker's Gift so that they might see what one real quiltmaker has done with her magnificent gift and that we all might look to see what we can offer others with our own set of God given talents.

And third for all who know this dear and special quiltmaker and have long awaited the completion of this series of quilts based on the book. 

I count myself fortunate to be one of the first to see the complete set of quilts done as she finished up the very last one just 2 days before we arrived.  To feel them and see up close the delicate hand quilted gems she has diligently worked on between many other projects over time.   Some are made with flannel, some very old bits of fabric left over that I recognized that had been used in so many other quilts throughout the years and a few received new hand picked fabric.  She has a story of why the colors were picked for each one and her favorites, least liked, easiest and hardest for her. 

I will label each quilt (the ones I can't remember) when I get home.

Extraordinary hand quilting on each one.

King's Highway

Quilting on King's highway

Log Cabin

Snail's Trail

Bear's Paw

Flying Geese

So, what might be the point of making all of these quilts you might ask.  Well, her intent has always been from the beginning to donate them to a charitable organization to help raise money.  She has one specific one in mind.

If you do not have the book, it is a very good one (and makes great gifts, too). 

I have decided that I will go back and finish my several undone quilt projects so that they too can go to a good cause.  Don't worry Canon W (if you're out there), I know the blue cassocks come first.

Thank you, Aunt Gretchen, for sharing your very personal quilts with me.  I have always marveled at your creations and this time is no different. 

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