Wednesday, June 12, 2013

To blog or not to blog . . . . . . .

I didn't want to write.

I didn't want to share.

I didn't want to blog ever again.

I was done with social media and ALL of the  . . . . . well. . . . . stuff.

God decided that I didn't have a choice.

Life has been really trying.  


So, I thought to myself, "Self, what are you not doing that you were and are not doing now?"


Well, many things came to mind, but this past Sunday one in  particularly came to mind.

As I left the house, my eyes scanned across my vast collection of beneficial religious books.  I had always stopped and asked God which one I should take with me and tell me what I He wants me learn or glean from my time, etc.

I stopped and said, "I know I have not asked you in a long time what I should be reading but I am asking and trusting in you again.  Please put my hands on the right book/s that I should read out of today."

I found my hands reaching for 2 different books.

1.  Perfect Contrition:  A Golden Key to Heaven  by Rev. J. Von Den Dreisch

2.  How to Profit from Your Faults  by Joseph Tissot

There I was at Mass with my missal and these two books.  I read the first as it is a short but excellent book.  I started in to the next (#2) with a ferocious appetite.

Yes.  God is very good and faithful.

There it was and I will share with you:

"If I were In your place, this is how I would console myself.  I would say to my God with confidence: 'Lord, here is a soul who is in the world to benefit from your admirable mercy, and to make it shine before heaven and earth.  Others glorify you by the force of your race, by their faithfulness and constancy.  How gentle and generous you are toward those who are faithful to you.  I, however, glorify you in making you goodness known to sinners.  Mercy is above all malice.  Nothing can exhaust it.  No mistake, no matter how shameful or criminal it be, even if repeated again and again, should make a sinner despair of pardon.  I have offended you gravely, O My lovable Redeemer!  But it would be worse if I committed the horrible outrage of thinking that you are not good enough to pardon me.  It is in vain that your enemy and mine sets new traps for me all the time.  He can make the fallen a hundred times, had my crimes were a hundred times more horrible than they are, I would still hope in you.
It seems to me that nothing that I could do to make reparation for my fault or the scandal that it would cause, would pain me.  Then I would begin to serve God with greater fervor than before, and with the same tranquility as if I had never offended him." 
Words from dear St. Francis de Sales
And allow me to share from the same book from St. Margaret Mary (my patron saint).
The heart of Jesus is the throne of mercy.  Where the most miserable are the best received, provided they possess love in the depths of their misery.  When  you have made mistakes, do not trouble yourself, because trouble and anxiety and too much impatience distance us from God and banish Jesus Christ from our hearts.  But in asking him for pardon, let us pray to his Sacred Heart to make satisfaction to restore us to grace with his divine majesty.  In complete confidence, then, say to the most lovable heart of Jesus: 'O my only love, pay for your poor slave and repair the arm that I have just done.  Make me return to your glory; make me an example for my neighbor, and grant salvation to my soul.'  In this manner, our failings sometimes serve to humiliate us and to make us realize what we are, and to what extent it is useful for us to be hidden in the depths of our nothingness.
After humbling yourself, begin again to be faithful, because the Sacred Heart loves this way  of acting which preserves the soul in peace."
 God bless us all.

St. Francis de Sales pray for us.

St. Margaret Mary, pray for us.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

I hope someone can also benefit from these words, which is why I shared them.



  1. Thank you for posting again. This is a beautiful reflection for this morning.


  2. So beautiful, thanks so much for sharing .
    Sometimes I get so down on myself because I fall so often , those sins that I commit ( of the tongue) seem to grab hold of me . But the good God knows us all to the core of our being, well HE did create us . The two books sound so wonderful, I may purchase them myself in due time . YES Merciful Jesus, I TRUST in Thee !
