Many times I have asked myself why I would I stick my ideas out there.
As I broach the subject of feminism, I really asked myself. Why would you want to do that? What if you are really off base? Sound stupid. Who cares what your ideas are? There are VOLUMES written about this subject.
I continue to write for a couple of reasons. The first and most important one are for my children. I have young ladies and men to raise. I want them to read this discussion or thoughts. I want other parents or people's perspective. I want to know.
I am so far removed from many of my close friends and communication on issues such as these are few and far between. It makes me feel as if I wander blindly in this dessert alone. I glean great information and insight from others writings. It is comforting and informative. Thought provoking. I appreciate the time that it takes to share it for those of us out there who read it.
Already, a most honorable and dignified lady added this comment ,"A must-read add-on suggestion would be Alice von Hilderbrand's "The Privilege of Being a Woman". Absolutely excellent counsels on this very topic of what a TRUE woman is, how the world re-defines her, and why it's important to be counter-culture in her defense."
Yes. That is a must read.
So, the next one I think I will start on what I believe my idea for an ideal woman.
I dearly appreciate all of you truly noble men and women out there that I know. You are a credit to your gender and a lovely living example to my children, myself and all those who come in contact with you of the truly amazing creation of man and woman as God designed it.
Thank you. Again. All of you. I admire all of you. Fight the good fight.
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