Tuesday, August 19, 2014




Voice texting. 

Asking a phone to put what comes out of your mouth into a legible sentence is really asking a whole lot!!!

I was communicating with someone via the text messaging thingie on my phone tonight.  Somehow I was able to understand what they were saying but it was nothing like what they wanted to say.

The message that I read was this,  "Looking for a birthday gift for air in the ceiling.  Do you have any suggestions?"

I stared strangely at my phone.  I tried to decipher this strange message.

I found myself looking up.  What would you buy air in the ceiling?  What the heck is air in the ceiling?

Get it an exhaust fan!!!!!

A ceiling fan.  SOMETHING!!!

After a bit of contemplation, I realized they were searching for a present for their daughter, ERIN.

I texted back a reply.

This is what I got back, "Every time I need to be talk to text to pull up the a a roon. Drive me crazy."

Yes, friend.  I agree.  Don't try to speak what you want to text.

My response?

"I let my finger do the talking.  My mouth gets me into too much trouble."

Texting.  Technology.

I missed blogging.  God bless you all.  Life is truly . . . . . well, my fingers don't seem to have the words.

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