Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The faith of a little child

The children's birthdays are stacked up in the summer.

My sweet little turtle.
As you read previously, one person didn't get their present for months.

One got everything on time.

Another one got their present 2 weeks early because it was needed sooner.

WHAT?!?!??!  My birthday present early?

Yippeeee!!  My own suitcase!
The excitement ensues as the suitcase rolls all over the house.

Going forward.

Backing up:  Making beeping noises of course

Then silence for a brief moment.

Shouts of excitement come from around the corner!!





My suitcase came with a toothbrush holder  . . . . . . 

and 2 holy water bottles!!!!!!

God bless you little fellow.

So, I would have left it at that but a sibling piped up and said, "No, it is for soap."

Looking a bit perplexed he leaves and comes back a moment later.

"There.  I have my toothbrush, soap and holy water because you NEVER know when you might need it!"

The simple faith of a child is refreshing and sweet.

No, you never know when you might need holy water.

HUMMMMMM . . . . . . . 

Maybe, that suitcase should have come with a gallon container. . . . . .

No, wait, 2 gallon containers.

One for soap.

One for holy water.

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