Saturday, June 9, 2012

Friday night was a bunch of BULL!

Oh, don't let that title scare you away.

But it is true.

I even had to pull out my trusty boots for this because it was EVERYWHERE!

Yes, we went to the rodeo. 

Sorry, were you thinking that I was going to share something REALLY EXCITING?

It was and I have the pictures to prove it.

For rodeos, this one was probably the best one I have seen.
The weather was perfect.

You know you are with the right crowd when someone besides me insists riding the mechanical bull is a right of initiation for all.


There he is folks.

Only my youngest would ask, "Mom!  Mom!  Hey Mom!  Why doesn't that bull have any eyeballs?"

My guess would be that he didn't what to see who was getting on next.

The pictures you are about to see appear not in riding order but instead by the degree of laughter that they generate.  Because by the last one you will be falling out of your chair laughing so hard and look like them, too!

First out of the chute:

The girl who wanted to be a professional bull rider.

Then the boy who wanted to be a professional bull rider.


Then comes the boy who is smart enough NEVER to want to be a bull rider.

The form on this next rider was unbeleeeeevaBULL!

This is where it really starts getting funny!

On your mark . . . . .

Get set . . . .


Next up:  The man who secretly wants to hog tie baby cows and cooks chicken legs.

Excellent mount.


Ewwwww!  Down he goes.

And the final contestant:  

What a graceful and elegant approach!

Waving to the adoring crowd!

Look at that HAIR!!  Looks like a shampoo commercial.

Arm extended correctly . . . . . AND . . . . .

OWWWWWW!  The most beautiful girl bites the dust!

But would you look at that hair!

While we were at this grand event, we have planned a few events to our summer line up:
A tractor pull and  the beloved GREASED PIG CONTEST!!!!

Stay tuned for the updates or better yet join in the fun next time!!!!!!


  1. LOVE IT! That was so much fun!

  2. That was grand fun! We will find more kooky things to do!! Oh, the last people that went to the greased pig race with me came home in 55 gallon trash bags.

  3. That was grand fun!!! We need to do that again!! :)
