Friday, June 29, 2012

Only a boy would say this - Part 5465654

Looking for a picture this morning.

I came upon this one. 

I hear behind my shoulder

"Oh, I love that guy!  He is the best actor EVER!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012




I am in a tractor bucket trimming limbs.


This better be important!!!!


"Some lady is on the phone!"

NOBODY is to bother me when I am obviously predisposed!


"This lady on the phone wants to know if you have breath cancer?"

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June: The month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Our sins most deeply wound this adorable Sacred Heart.
"We find rest in those we love, and we provide a resting place in ourselves for those who love us. "
– St. Bernard of Clairvaux

His Feet

O admirable feet of my Lord Jesus Christ, transfixed by having one hard nail driven into both of them, and from which there flowed a copious amount of your Precious Blood, I reverently adore you and heartily kiss you, asking you to pardon whatever I have committed while standing or walking.
Hail Mary...

His Legs

O admirable legs and humble knees of my Lord Jesus Christ, who often bent in prayer or prostrate on the naked earth, and struck by stiff switches during your passion, I humbly adore you and meekly kiss you, asking you to forgive my sins of lukewarmness and laziness in serving you.
Hail Mary...

His Torso

O holy and pure torso of my Lord Jesus Christ, that the virginal womb of Holy Mary carried and nursed, and so bitterly beaten by many a lash, I rightly adore you and compassionately kiss you, asking you to free me from my sins of having shown more care for my body than necessary.
Hail Mary...

His Side

O honored side of my Lord Jesus Christ, wherein the deep wound of divine love stands open, I especially adore you and devoutly kiss you, pleading that you pardon my sins against fraternal charity and of growing cold in my love for heavenly things.
Hail Mary...

His Back

O most patient back of my Lord Jesus Christ, ever ready to carry, and without complaint, the wood of life and the burden of all of our sins, and enduring the brutal blows of the scourges, I lovingly adore you and with sadness in my heart I pray that you remit my sins of being impatient in bearing my everyday burdens.
Hail Mary...

His Hands

O venerable hands of my Lord Jesus Christ, that for a long time were stretched out on the Cross and pierced by large iron nails, I fearfully adore you and with tears in my eyes I kiss you as I request you to absolve me of my sins committed by action or touch.
Hail Mary......

His Breast

O most pure breast of my Lord Jesus Christ, in which there was no stain of sin and into which none could enter, and upon which Blessed John the Apostle leaned during the Last Supper, I sincerely adore you and affectionately kiss you, beseeching you to cleanse me of my sins committed by fostering foul thoughts.
Hail Mary....

His Neck

O white and delicate neck of my Lord Jesus Christ, frequently lean because of hunger and thirst, never ornately adorned nor held proudly upright, but always held in humble and reverent subjection to father and mother, and harshly buffeted in your passion, I humbly adore you and lovingly kiss you as I pray that you forgive my sins committed out of vain motives.
Hail Mary...

His Mouth

O gentle mouth of my Lord Jesus Christ, from which the word of salvation came to our world, and besmirched by the spittle of the populace and embittered by the cup of vinegar, I adore you and kindly ask you to forgive my sins committed in eating, drinking and speaking.
Hail Mary...

His Face

O handsome face of my Lord Jesus Christ, full of benevolent friendliness, shamefully spat upon by the crowds, brutally slapped and shockingly veiled, I lovingly adore you and affectionately kiss you, asking you to pardon my sins of disrespect and irreverence committed against you.
Hail Mary...

His Ears

O fortunate ears of my Lord Jesus Christ, never yielding to flattery nor permitting any unbecoming or harmful word to turn you away from the path of righteousnes, I honorably adore you and fervently kiss you asking you to forgive my sins of yielding to flattering speech and improper language.
Hail Mary....

His Eyes

O brightly shining eyes of my Lord Jesus Christ, innocent of all unseemingly desires and now sealed by violent death, and whence frequently came a shower of tears, I heartily adore you and gently kiss you beseeching you to forgive all my sins committed by the immodest use of my eyes.
Hail Mary...

His Head

O sublime and revered head of my Lord Jesus Christ, wearing a crown of sharp thorns pressed deeply into it, with hair stained and consecrated by the Blood that had flowed there from, together with the angels and all the powers of Heaven I adore you and ardently kiss each of your sacred wounds and from the depths of my heart I ask you to free me from all the thorns of sin that remain in me and that you deign to number me, though I am the least, among your elect.
Hail Mary....

“For this, O Jesus, was Your sacred side pierced, that it might give us an easy entrance. Your Heart was opened that we might dwell there, safe from exterior disturbances. In addition to this, You were pierced by a spear, so that through the visible wound, we could see the invisible one which love inflicted on You, for he who burns with love, is wounded by love. What better evidence of Your ardent love could You have given us than by permitting the lance to pierce, not only Your Body, but even Your Heart? The wound in Your flesh then shows forth the wound in Your spirit.Who will not love that Heart so deeply wounded? Who will not return love to One who so loved us? Who will not embrace a Spouse so chaste? Certainly the soul loves You in return, O Lord, who, knowing itself to be wounded by Your love, cries to You: Your charity has wounded me! We too, pilgrims in the flesh, love as much as we can, and embrace the One who was wounded for us, whose hands, feet, side, and Heart were pierced. Let us love and pray: ‘O Jesus, deign to bind our hearts, still so hard and unrepentant, with the chain of Your love and wound them with its dart.’”– Saint Bonaventure

I love this set of prayers and thought I would share them with you. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!!!

This is for all of you wonderful, dedicated fathers out there!

An even richer man is one whose children
run into his arms even when they are full because 
his children know he will drop everything for them!

I know several of you!

May God abundantly bless and guide you!

Especially my own daddy!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My trip plans and bathrobe fell apart.

 No, those two things didn't happen at the exact same time. 
The combination of these two events and a few others had me a bit down.

I was supposed to be heading north to Chicago tonight but it didn't work out.

I wanted to feel like this yeller feller but alas I was feeling pretty much like a sea of those blue folks.

This story is more about my dear bathrobe than my trip cancellation though.

All of you mothers will be able to relate to it, I know.

I have had the perfect robe for almost 16 years now.
The fit is perfect.  The fabric is perfect.
However after that long in service, it is tired and literally falling apart.  
I have repaired it countless times.  The fabric is done.  

The right arm pretty much fell off this week.

Men, I know you are secretly thinking, "Just go get yourself another robe."
Ladies, you understand.  YOU JUST CAN'T GO GET ANOTHER ROBE!!!

Bathrobes are like a super hero outfit for a mother.

We can get up and do anything with our bathrobe.
We could go to the grocery store in it if called upon to do so.

I have known for years that it was on its last leg.
For at least the last 5 years, I have been scouring the internet and every Goodwill/resale store around to find one, just like it.

All of the other bathrobes are fatally flawed:
Made with microfiber - Hello!  I am not a couch!
Gigantic EVERYWHERE! - If I wanted to wear a comforter that is what I would wear!
Polyester - I do not want to spontaneously combust.
Too short - Walking around at 2:30am with FREEZING ankles makes me cranky.
The arms are 10 feet long - I AM A MOTHER NOT STRETCH ARM STRONG!


Not to be found anywhere.

Those that live around me know of my plight.
It has even developed into a slight joke (not for me!  This is serious.)
I would tease them though saying, "When I find this robe, it will be the EXACT same robe.  Only this time, it will be pink.  Not some whimpy pink, hot pink."

They would laugh.  They know I believe most things should be pink and the odds of me finding this hot pink robe is like a needle in a haystack.

I had secretly decided that without my robe, I would just have to sleep in my regular clothes so that I could be ready for anything again.

I wore it for the last time Monday.

Tuesday was sad.  No robe.  No trip.

So, I ran some errands and decided to stop at a couple of resale stores to find some short sleeve shirts for my boys. 


Can you believe it?

I brought it home.

Told everyone to close their eyes.  I had a surprise.

We all had a BIG laugh.  

Look out world!!!
I am ready for anything again because now I DO have the PERFECT robe!

God is good and answers all our prayers in His time not ours.
He answers them in the best ways.

I am.  Very grateful.

Thank you.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Please pray for our priests!! Especially one very special Canon Wiener

“Without the priest, the passion and death of our Lord would be of no avail. It is the priest who continues the work of redemption here on earth…What use would be a house filled with gold, were there no one to open its door? The priest holds the key to the treasures of heaven: it is he who opens the door: he is the steward of the good Lord; the administrator of His goods…Leave a parish for twenty years without a priest and they will end by worshiping the beasts there..The priest is not a priest for himself, he is a priest for you.”

Especially during the octave from the Feast of Corpus Christi to the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, let us pray for all of our dear priests.
Let us pray for more vocations.
Without these priests, there would be no sacraments for us or our families.

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christe, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of Heaven,
God, the Son, Redeemer of the World,
God, the Holy Ghost,
Holy Trinity, one God, 

Heart of Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father,
Heart of Jesus, formed in the womb of the Virgin Mother by the Holy Ghost,
Heart of Jesus, united substantially with the word of God,
Heart of Jesus, of infinite majesty,
Heart of Jesus, holy temple of God,
Heart of Jesus, tabernacle of the Most High, 
Heart of Jesus, house of God and gate of heaven, 
Heart of Jesus, glowing furnace of charity,
Heart of Jesus, vessel of justice and love,
Heart of Jesus, full of goodness and love,
Heart of Jesus, abyss of all virtues,
Heart of Jesus, most worthy of all praise,
Heart of Jesus, king and center of all hearts,
Heart of Jesus, in whom are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge,
Heart of Jesus, in whom dwelleth all the fullness of the Divinity,
Heart of Jesus, in whom the Father is well pleased, 
Heart of Jesus, of whose fullness we have all received, 
Heart of Jesus, desire of the everlasting hills, 
Heart of Jesus, patient and rich in mercy, 
Heart of Jesus, rich to all who invoke Thee, 
Heart of Jesus, fount of life and holiness,
Heart of Jesus, propitiation for our sins, 
Heart of Jesus, saturated with revilings,
Heart of Jesus, crushed for our iniquities,
Heart of Jesus, made obedient unto death, 
Heart of Jesus, pierced with a lance, 
Heart of Jesus, source of all consolation,
Heart of Jesus, our life and resurrection, 
Heart of Jesus, our peace and reconciliation, 
Heart of Jesus, victim for our sins, 
Heart of Jesus, salvation of those who hope in Thee,
Heart of Jesus, hope of those who die in Thee, 
Heart of Jesus, delight of all saints,



Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, (spare us, O Lord.)
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, (graciously hear us, O Lord.)
Lamb of God who takest away the sins of the world, (have mercy on us.)
Jesus, meek and humble of Heart. (Make our hearts like unto Thine.)

Let us pray. Almighty and everlasting God, look upon the Heart of Thy well-beloved Son and upon the acts of praise and satisfaction which He renders unto Thee in the name of sinners; and do Thou, in Thy great goodness, grant pardon to them who seek Thy mercy, in the name of the same Thy Son, Jesus Christ, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, world without end. (Amen.)

I ask you to pray especially for our dear Canon Wiener who is not well at this time.

Thank you.  May God bless you all.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Friday night was a bunch of BULL!

Oh, don't let that title scare you away.

But it is true.

I even had to pull out my trusty boots for this because it was EVERYWHERE!

Yes, we went to the rodeo. 

Sorry, were you thinking that I was going to share something REALLY EXCITING?

It was and I have the pictures to prove it.

For rodeos, this one was probably the best one I have seen.
The weather was perfect.

You know you are with the right crowd when someone besides me insists riding the mechanical bull is a right of initiation for all.


There he is folks.

Only my youngest would ask, "Mom!  Mom!  Hey Mom!  Why doesn't that bull have any eyeballs?"

My guess would be that he didn't what to see who was getting on next.

The pictures you are about to see appear not in riding order but instead by the degree of laughter that they generate.  Because by the last one you will be falling out of your chair laughing so hard and look like them, too!

First out of the chute:

The girl who wanted to be a professional bull rider.

Then the boy who wanted to be a professional bull rider.


Then comes the boy who is smart enough NEVER to want to be a bull rider.

The form on this next rider was unbeleeeeevaBULL!

This is where it really starts getting funny!

On your mark . . . . .

Get set . . . .


Next up:  The man who secretly wants to hog tie baby cows and cooks chicken legs.

Excellent mount.


Ewwwww!  Down he goes.

And the final contestant:  

What a graceful and elegant approach!

Waving to the adoring crowd!

Look at that HAIR!!  Looks like a shampoo commercial.

Arm extended correctly . . . . . AND . . . . .

OWWWWWW!  The most beautiful girl bites the dust!

But would you look at that hair!

While we were at this grand event, we have planned a few events to our summer line up:
A tractor pull and  the beloved GREASED PIG CONTEST!!!!

Stay tuned for the updates or better yet join in the fun next time!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Lest we forget.

Let us take a moment to pray for all who have gone before us. 

Freedom is not free.

God bless them.

What are we doing to help preserve our freedoms 
here in the United States of America?

That is a good start.