Tuesday, April 10, 2012


This morning, my son wakes up early and is chatting with me.

"I wish we could have an inside cat that only lives in Hannah's room."

"When I am older, I will NEVER own a chihuahua."
A wise decision my boy!
"When I am older, I will have my own pet.  Like a baby alligator or baby snakes.  Or maybe a bunny."

Two nights ago at dinner I heard, "I wonder what it would be like if Sasquatch was our pet?"
Doesn't look like a good idea.

I do not need to be hearing something like this!

Sorry buddy!  No new pets for us!


  1. Sasquatch would probably shed like crazy. You'd have fur balls the size of a Volkswagon Beetle.
    At least the baby alligator and baby snakes won't shed fur all over your furniture. And the bunny will likely be an appetizer for one them eventually.
    I'm hedging my bets that by the time he's an adult, he'll be rethinking the whole alligator thing. As for Sasquatch, he might still a contender.

  2. Funny you should mention the HAIR issue! However after looking at that picture again . . . anything that can move a rock like that though I should more than welcome!

    I wonder what kind of a sweeper I would need to accommodate that.

    The other issue . . . well my washer might revolt!!!
