Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A really fun, fun day! Day 7

My flat tire
Getting the keys out of my car
As I stated, we were ready to get out of town.  When I got to my car in the parking garage, the post about "Trouble coming in 3's" was born.

After sitting in a tire shop for a couple of hours, we were on our way again to Lake Mead and Hoover Dam.  Lake Mead is particularly special to me as my grandfather lived there and when we would visit it was a great place to go.
Lake Mead Marina where I would feed the carp.
Carrying on the tradition
They love popcorn!  Children and carp

Someone felt sorry for the ducks.
Lunch time guys!

Pretty aren't they?
From Lake Mead, we headed over to Hoover Dam.  I was pulled over by security because of the suspicious black bag on the top of my car (carrying the sleeping bags and dirty laundry).  When asked if I was carrying any weapons with me, I replied, "Pepper spray and several children that can bite."
Arizona side of the dam

Nevada side of the dam.

When Security asked my if I had any weapons, I guess I should have turned over that pair of tennis shoes to them!

Upon the recommendation of my dear friend Peggy, we headed south toward Kingman, AZ to get our kicks on Route 66 for a bit.  It was FANTASTIC!!!!!!!

Destination:  Oatman, Arizona

Wild donkeys can be seen on the side of the road on the way in to Oatman.

Welcome to downtown Oatman, AZ
Where the donkey rules!

Yes, they wander all over town like this!

Stores sell carrots to feed them.

You can't feed the babies but they can eat you!
Baby donkey wear a no carrot sign on their forehead.

And eat your car!

And try to gain entrance into your car!
This car appears to be particularly tasty.
The welcome sign for Oatman

After looking around a bit, we chose to eat lunch at this establishment.
This is the inside of the restaurant!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Covered with dollar bills from all kinds of people!

We wondered where Mr. and Mrs. M's dollar could be found.

Our favorite dollar
Maybe those Oatman residents are on to something!
Of course, we had to leave one too!

Oatman's other claim to fame is Clark Gable and Carole Lombard honeymooned there and frequently returned to play cards and obviously feed the donkeys.
Other fun things to do in Oatman . . .

Like finding a poisonous snake with your brother.
I liked it so much we're looking into this property!
I know now these signs are NOT kidding!

These fellow had just crossed the road!

 Mrs. M knows which road I speak of.

Other word of caution for anyone who might encounter one of these guys, I was told not to stop and take pictures because they will come up and ram your vehicle.

With all of my adventures so far with animals and my car in general, I took their advice and got a safe distance away before taking these pictures.  Had I stopped, I am sure my car would have been under attack and would have been bashed in everywhere!
I managed to dodge more cows grazing in the road too.

Once again, heed the warning!
 After Oatman, I finally relinquished the driver's seat for the drive to Tuscon, AZ.  It was really nice to sit in the back but that is when really knew THOSE SHOES MUST GO!

Upon arriving at my destination in Tucson, I knew I was in good company and would fit right in here!


  1. YES, it is very true the donkeys rule the roost!! They are so cute and friendly, however you did have to watch your car to make sure they didn't eat it!!! They were eating cars all day, our was lucky though. They saw our condition of our car and left it alone! :)

  2. So glad you and the kids enjoyed Oatman. Not many places like this left in the good ole' USA. Hope you find many more awesome places to explore! Keep having mucho fun.

  3. Dear Character, our car is beginning to reek of death even an . . . I mean a donkey could tell that!

    Word for the wise, if Peggy M or her husband recommend anything to you, it is worth doing. Thank you so much. Now to decide the return.
