Monday, October 10, 2011

It runs in the family . . . .

Without realizing it at all, my cousin had been right infront of me traveling on his own terrific adventure.  He had started out on his own, then picked up and traveled with my Aunt (his mother) and was again traveling alone. 

I called my Aunt Gretchen (I am sure you couldn't guess she is my Godmother) and she informed me that my cousin was there also.  I was disappointed that I thought he might be leaving and I would miss seeing him before I got to Chico.  I was sure the thought of one adult and five children coming to my aunt's small cabin in the woods would surely scare him off.  But, as I found out he is a brave soul and stood his ground and am I sure glad that he did. 

Any place I would like to go I believe he has already been there.  So I guess these traveling feet must run in the family.  As it is with most extended family, I had not seen him since he was very small and he didn't remembered meeting me (and I hope he now doesn't hope is still isn't that way).
He even took the time to stay longer and spend time with us to which I am very grateful.  It was a lot of fun.  Thank you so much!
Hiking in Aunt Gretchen's woods

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